Surplus Returns


The surplus distributions to MADSIF members, is a fairly simple calculation:

  • Start with $5,000,000 – $6,000,000 Annual Member Premium
  • Subtract Administrative Costs of 25%
  • Subtract Claims Costs
  • Invest What Remains (restricted)
  • Return all surplus

The surplus will fluctuate year to year, based on the investment market and the workers compensation rates.  To combat these variables, we keep our costs to a minimum through injury prevention measures, aggressive claims handling, and underwriting guidelines to ensure quality members.

The goal of the Dealer Trustees is to constantly revisit options that will increase the surplus, to the benefit of MADSIF members.

MADSIF Dividend Chart
* While member payrolls have increased, member annual premium has decreased based on all-time low workers comp rates. Dividends are based on member annual premium.